
Focus On
Bishop Ceramics Model House

Daegu / South Korea

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Ristorante il Basilico

Saluzzo / Italy

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Home is what you like

Ningbo / China

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TRENTO / Italy

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BERLIN / Germany

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TRENTO / Italy

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MILANO / Italy

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The characteristics of Fiandre Porcelain Slabs and the brand's positioning at the top end of the sector, have been demonstrated by prestigious realizations all around the globe: tile flooring and wall coverings for banks, hotels, airports, shopping centers, public places, schools, auto dealerships and restaurants.

Bathroom and wellness

Maximum Fiandre Extralite® is the perfect partner for your “sale de bain”: Smoothly embraces sink, shower plan, backsplash tile; in perfect harmony and aesthetical combination with the enviroment, it doesn’t need excessive maintenance.
Clean, fine, is the ideal product to create a bathouse perfect for you intimacy.


How lovely is to live the kitchen when you feel it as your kingdom. It’s just necessary to pull attention to coating surfaces for tops, kitchen tops, counter tops, tables. Maximum Fiandre Extralite® is the answer: absolute and natural helthiness, easy to clean and almost impossible to break and scratch: Maximum’s not just a product. Is a prince.

Living and office

In just 0,23622 inches’ thickness, Maximum Fiandre Extralite® tells an entire tale of adaptability and softness: smooth as a second skin is wrapped around desks, tables, tray tables as well as doors, walls, mobile walls and cupboards. Maximum will protect and create value for your flat, house, office, in a very durable way: exstensively resistant, low manteinance.


The automotive industry was perhaps the first in which high-tech developed its own special language, individual aesthetics which, starting with the body, hinted at the mechanical efficiency and high performance of the engineering miracle under the hood.

Shopping centres

There is no doubt whatsoever that shopping ranks among those activities that best represent the dream of Western wellbeing, as well as individual gratification; one of the things we do to take care of ourselves, allowing us to satisfy a different desire each time.


One of the most important characteristics of the materials used in architecture is durability. Atmospheric agents and weather affect the outside of a building causing wear and tear, which can vary from place to place and, in certain cases, is unpredictable over time.


Stays in hotels usually come about in particular moments in one’s life. One could be in a hotel for business, or to finally enjoy much dreamed-of and well-deserved vacation time. As such, guests not only hope for a comfortable room, but that their expectations will be exceeded by the level of hospitality they find when they get there.


A single brand store, all the way to the so-called flagship store, is nothing more than the physical reality of an image, that has sprung up around the product being sold and, even more so, the brand being advertised.

Health & care

The idea is a very old one, but it is just now being rediscovered as modern medicine and science advances: in order to achieve the highest level of wellbeing, an individual’s mind and body must be in equilibrium.

Public areas

Stadiums, movie theatres, exhibition pavilions: the spaces dedicated to entertainment, which constitutes an exciting break from daily routine, are all the more effective when the designer is able to make them into special places that differ from those we spend most of our days in.


Credit must be given to one of the first great thinkers of the architectural and modern design world, Adolf Loos, who said that “man loves everything that makes him comfortable” and, therefore, his home above all.


For a very long time now, food has been more than simply nourishment which merely ensures our survival and has acquired, if not artistic dignity, an important place among those cultural elements which identify the lifestyle of an area and its people.

Stations and airports

The non-place, a concept dear to social theories espoused in the second half of the 1900s, appears close to becoming obsolete when compared to the modern-day reality of the “global village”.


The office? With the advent of internet and the latest new digital devices, there are now more people working comfortably at home than commuting on the train. What does planning modern office space, to be used by management and its employees, mean? There no longer being a stable classification of work activities, the spaces dedicated to them must be highly flexible and adaptable to changing needs.